In the context of respiratory and metabolic testing, Calibre views a protocol as a standardized and detailed plan or set of instructions that outlines a specific procedure and method to be followed during an experiment or assessment to achieve the best data results possible.
The team at Calibre has worked internally as well as with global experts to create simple to follow validated protocols to benefit all of our users.
The purpose of a protocol is to ensure consistency, accuracy, and reproducibility in the ability to collect data whether with a single test or in a multi-test over time environment.
We are committed to capturing the best data possible and the only way to do this is to continuously create and validate protocols that provide our users the confidence to trust and act on the their data findings with Calibre.
Due to the nature of how Calibre collects data it is strongly recommended all users follow the protocols exactly as described.
From today forward the simple answer is everytime you do an assessment that we have created a validated protocol for. Our goal from day 1 has been to create a user focused concept of data accuracy and reliability. We will continue to refine and build new protocols based on need and user feedback. If there is a protocol we haven't created let us know and we will work with you to develop and validate it.
Let us get straight to the point here. Use the protocols with strict adherence to every detail we provide. Calibre was designed and built in a way that is unique (patented) and different than other devices and technology in the respiratory and metabolic market. So when you begin to use our device, we ask that you come with an open mind to learn about the nuances of our device as a user. Use the protocol(s) as recommended so you can have the best experience possible and more importantly, the best data!
Whether an experienced user or brand new to collecting data with a device like Calibre, we have worked to identify areas of interest based on user feedback. If you want to dig a bit deeper, check out an area of interest below to see how our protocols benefit you personally.
Maximum Session Duration:
While longer session durations are generally well within the capabilities of Calibre, we've seen numerous cases – primarily associated with high-intensity exercise – where sensor readings become increasingly corrupted after about 25 minutes. This is due to excessive water buildup (from breath condensation and perspiration) entering the sensing module. Continued use under these conditions is not recommended. We are working to address this problem, but in the meantime, we recommend limiting high-intensity sessions with Calibre to a maximum of 25 minutes, with the exception to our published protocols. If performing any high-intensity activity, the total session duration (incl. warm-up, cool-down, and moderate-intensity efforts) should not exceed 25 minutes. Moderate-intensity activities (up to about 10 METs or approximately 60 Liters/min breath volume) can be performed for extended periods without any issues.